Planned Fleet Compositions:
Home Fleet -- 1 Yamato Class Ultranought, 3 Warspite Class Dreadnoughts, 2 Scharnhorst Class Battleships, 2 Yamashiro Class Battleships, 2 Haruna Class Planetary Bombardment Battleships, 6 Graf Spee Class Cruisers, 10 Javelin Class Destroyers...Complement of 40 SA-43 Hammerheads and 11 Goblin Assault Craft
Expeditionary Fleet -- 4 Scharnhorst Class Battleships, 2 Haruna Class Planetary Bombardment Battleships, 4 Graf Spee Class Cruisers, 6 Javelin Class Destroyers...Complement of 8 Goblin Assault Craft
Patrol Fleet -- 2 Yamashiro Class Battleships, 2 Graf Spee Class Cruisers, 4 Javelin Class Destroyers...Complement of 16 SA-43 Hammerheads and 2 Goblin Assault Craft
Raider Fleet -- 4 Graf Spee Class Cruisers, 10 Gato Class Stealth Ships, Cruisers operating independently, Stealth Ships operating in wolfpacks of 2-4...Complement of 4 Goblin Assault Craft (1 per cruiser)
Infiltration Fleet -- NNS Two For Flinching and up to 4 Goblin Assault Craft
Total Naval Composition -- 3 Warspite Class Dreadnoughts, 6 Scharnhorst Class Battleships, 4 Yamashiro Class Battleships, 16 Graf Spee Class Cruisers, 20 Javelin Class Destroyers, 1 NNS Two For Flinching, 29 Goblin Assault Craft, 56 SA-43 Hammerhead Interceptors
Planned Fleet Duties:
Home Fleet -- Defense of the Home Colony and Empire, engaging enemy main forces in decisive battle
Expeditionary Fleet -- Shows of force, punitive expeditions, and planetary invasions
Patrol Fleet -- Home System defense and interdiction of unknown/hostile forces
Raider Fleet -- Commerce Raiding, each ship operating independently from each other
Infiltration Fleet -- Insertion of the party and supporting Special Operations Forces into hostile or unknown areas
-------------------------Fleet Overview---------------------------------
NNS Yamato = Flagship of the Nowhere Navy
NNS Warspite = Flagship of the Home Fleet
NNS Scharnhorst = Flagship of the Expeditionary Fleet
NNS Graf Spee = Flagship of the Raiding Fleet
NNS Yamashiro = Flagship of the Patrol Fleet
NNS Two For Flinching = Flagship of the Infiltration Fleet
Home Fleet = Bulk of our super-heavy capital ships and their escorts
Expeditionary Fleet = Bulk of our Battleships and planetary siege ships + escorts
Raiding Fleet = Fast cruisers and Destroyers
Patrol Fleet = Well rounded mix between capital ships and escorts
Infiltration Fleet = us and the ships for our spec ops insertion teams
Planned Ship Complements:
Yamato Class Ultranought -- 16 SA-43 Hammerheads and 8 Goblin Assault Craft
Warspite Class Dreadnoughts -- 8 SA-43 Hammerheads and 1 Goblin Assault Craft
Scharnhorst Class Battleship -- 1 Goblin Assault Craft
Yamashiro Class Battleship -- 8 SA-43 Hammerheads
Graf Spee Class Cruiser -- 1 Goblin Assault Craft
Planned Ship Names
--Yamato Class Ultranought : Yamato
--Warspite Class Dreadnoughts : Warspite, Vanguard, Thunderer
--Scharnhorst Class Battleships : Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Tirpitz, Repulse, Renown, Hood
--Yamashiro Class Battleships : Yamashiro, Fuso, Nagato, Mutsu
--Haruna Class Planetary Bombardment Battleships : Haruna, Kirishima, Kongo, Hiei
--Graf Spee Class Cruisers : Graf Spee, Scheer, Kutuzov, Drake, Goliath, Hipper, Zara, Gorizia, Amalfi, Kirov, Exeter, Eugen, Chapayev, Donskoi, Agir, Albemarle
--Javelin Class Destroyers : Javelin, Jervis, Jackal, Jaguar, Juno, Janus, Jersey, Jupiter, Jubilant, Kelly, Kandahar, Kashmir, Khartoum, Kimberley, Kingston, Kipling, Noble, Nonpareil, Napier
--Gato Class Stealth Ships : Gato, Wahoo, Tang, Cavalla, Seawolf, Nautilus, Archerfish, Barb, Silversides, Tautog